
The "Append to" and "Send to" actions require a data source, i.e. where the data to be appended/sent comes from.

Sources are variables, counters, and the following special items :

Date (YYYYMMDD) the current date in YYYY-MM-DD (year-month-day) format
SolutionName the name of the currently loaded solution
FileDate the date of the current input file's last modification
FileDateTime the date and time of the current input file's last modification
Folder the name of the current message folder
FullStreamName the fully-qualified name of the file, including directory and drive information,
for example :  "c:\project\notes.txt"
InputBuffer the current contents of the input buffer
MessageStore the name of the current message store
StreamName the "file.extension" name of the file, without directory or drive information,
for example :  "notes.txt"
Time (24hr) the current time at the start of the run in HH:MM:SS (hour:minute:second) format