Quick-start info

File search

screen shot:  file search

Use File-Search.dss to search for strings in text files :

File-Search produces other results you can inspect by pressing the appropriate View button :

In detail :

  1. download, install and start Data Splitter
  2. press the "Find a solution" button
  3. select File-Search.dss
  4. press the "Define input" button
  5. modify the list of file specifications to include the files you wish to search
  6. press the OK button to close the Input Streams dialog
  7. press the "Define search items" button
  8. enter the text strings to be sought
  9. press the OK button to close the Search Items dialog
  10. press the Run button
  11. wait for the scan to complete
  12. press the "View results - HTML" button

Email parsing - word search

screen shot:  email search

Use EMail-Search.dss to search for strings in email messages :

Hint - set your message profile prior to running Data Splitter email parsers :

This will eliminate profile selection dialogs from the messaging system.

In detail :

  1. download, install and start Data Splitter
  2. press the "Find a solution" button
  3. select EMail-Search.dss
  4. press the "Define input" button
  5. modify the list of message stores / folders you wish to search (press F1 for help)
  6. press the OK button to close the Folders dialog
  7. press the "Define SearchText" button
  8. enter the text strings to be sought
  9. press the OK button to close the SearchText dialog
  10. press the Run button
  11. wait for the scan to complete
  12. press the "View Results" button
  13. a web browser window should open with the results of the search

EMail-Search.dss produces an intermediate file called TempFile, which is post-processed by File-HTML-Generate-Line-Breaks.dss to produce the Results file that has line breaks restored per the original emails.

Web scraping

screen shot: web scraper

Use Web-Extract-Number.dss to extract numbers from a list of web pages  :

In detail :

  1. download, install and start Data Splitter
  2. press the "Find a solution" button
  3. select Web-Extract-Number.dss
  4. press the "Define Label" button
  5. specify the label preceding the number to be extracted
  6. press the "Define input" button
  7. modify the list of URLs to include the web pages you wish to extract data from
  8. press the OK button to close the URLs dialog
  9. press the Run button
  10. wait for the scan to complete
  11. press the "View Results" button
  12. a web browser window should open showing a table with one "scraped" number per web page